When looking at a company's environmental impact, it's not just about the carbon footprint. The practice of Western Europe and the Nordic countries shows that the focus on the biodiversity impact of the companies increases. Biodiversity conservation is also one of the environmental goals of the EU's sustainability taxonomy, which means that in the future companies need to assess the effects on biodiversity in order to classify their activities as sustainable. Therefore, knowing a company's effects on biodiversity brings many benefits, such as: securing the supply chain, lower environmental charges or fines, better loan terms, a good reputation among investors and customers, and a competitive advantage.
What we do?
What we do?
- We map the company's direct and indirect effects on biodiversity and dependence on natural resources.
- In mapping, we follow the Natural Capital Protocol standard, which is a globally recognized and standardized decision-making framework for identifying a company's impacts and dependence on natural capital.
- We help the company to create a strategic vision for assessing and managing the impacts of biodiversity in the form of a biodiversity strategy or action plan, and we also help implement changes.